Hello! My name is Clarissa Rodriguez Dominguez. I was born in Obregon City, on June 06th.
Actually, I study my high school in Tec and this semester is the last one. My hobbies are live together with my family and friends. Also wath tv and listen music.
My principal goals are finish my studies and select good career. I want to study LCQ (Licenciada en Ciencias Quimicas) because I love chemestry since I was a child, the reason I don't know.
In calculus, I hope to get good grades and practice all the topics for understand them. This week, we learned about the antiderivatives and the marginal cost, revenue, etc.
I have a problem with some last topics that I need to practice more.
Well, it is all by this week =).
3 comentarios:
heey my dear friend!!
how are you?? xD i hope fine.. xD
just passing around!! seeyoou later xD
hI cLariI! ... how ru'.. keep studying.. see ya at schooL =)... bYess =9
And what did you think about what Martin Luther King meant with that quotation? (see the activity)
See you!!
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