sábado, 27 de enero de 2007

Blaise Pascal

Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662)
“We are usually convinced more easily by reasons we have found ourselves than by those which have occurred to others..."

This quotation means that is more important to know our reasons than those that occurred to the other people. Because many times, we listened an advice or suggestions or of others and almost times we don’t take them, but when we experimented a situation we know how it was and the consequences that finally I have.

Esta semana vimos en clase más tipos de antiderivadas y realizamos un quiz acerca del tema, además de asistir a asesorías el jueves.

miércoles, 24 de enero de 2007

Martin Luther King

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

a) Why do you think this activity starts with the Martin Luther King Jr. quotation?

*I think that the activity starts with this quotation for take conscience about the importance of our opinions on the situation of the life. For example in the elections of Mexico, our votes and opinions are the most important for get democracy.

b) When do you think you could use a Blog in this course?
*When we have problems or questions about something and for know the opinions of everyone.

viernes, 19 de enero de 2007

Clarissa's Resume

Hello! My name is Clarissa Rodriguez Dominguez. I was born in Obregon City, on June 06th.

Actually, I study my high school in Tec and this semester is the last one. My hobbies are live together with my family and friends. Also wath tv and listen music.

My principal goals are finish my studies and select good career. I want to study LCQ (Licenciada en Ciencias Quimicas) because I love chemestry since I was a child, the reason I don't know.

In calculus, I hope to get good grades and practice all the topics for understand them. This week, we learned about the antiderivatives and the marginal cost, revenue, etc.
I have a problem with some last topics that I need to practice more.

Well, it is all by this week =).