martes, 27 de febrero de 2007

Week 7: "Newton's Law of Cooling"

1. What is the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
The Newton’s law of cooling is when in an experiment the surface temperature of an object changes at a rate of its relative temperature. It is known like the difference between its temperature and the temperature of the surrounding environment.

2. What variables in your problem correspond with the variables in the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
*The environment temperature
*The Corpse temperature

3. According to this Law, at what time approximately the death happened?
*According with our investigations and the answer of the problem, the death happened some minutes before the body was founded.

4. How does the room temperature affect the time of death?
The room temperature affects the time because it changes the body’s temperature. Another important point is that the environment temperature will be never hotter than body and after hours (day) the body temperature will be colder than initial.

5. How does an illness (e.g. fever) affect the time of death?
If affect because the temperature of your body change when you are sick. So if the person was sick, he didn’t have a normal temperature.

6. How exact is the approximation of the Newton’s Law of Cooling for predicting the time of death?
I think that this method is very exact because when we resolve the previous exercises the time of the death that we got was almost the same of correct answer. It has a big percentage of the exact time. .

lunes, 19 de febrero de 2007

Second Part

4. What methods are commonly used to find the time of death?
* Rate Method

* Concurrence method

5. What factors are considered in Algor Mortis?
1. The "size" of the body because if it is too big, it loses heat slowly.
2. “Clothing and coverings” because the body can lose the heat by radiation, convection and evaporation.
3. Movement and humidity of the air.
4. Immersion in water.

6. How does the environment affect the time of death?
It is because many elements that are in the environment like water, air, temperature, insects, etc. produce that the body lose the heat fast or slow.

7. What can you tell about the different methods of temperature reading of the body? Do they make a difference in the results?
The methods for read the temperature are the abdominal and the rectum (it is used if the body wasn’t violated). And with these methods, we can compare the temperature of the body with the environment and know the factor that modified the results.

domingo, 11 de febrero de 2007

Quinta Semana

"El gran secreto del éxito es estar preparado cuando llega la oportunidad"

Esta quinta semana hubo mucho estrés y horas invertidas al estudio debido a los exámenes del primer parcial.

Además nos llevamos muchas sorpresas al saber las calificaciones ya que en algunas materias esperábamos un promedio más alto; por ejemplo en física.

Este parcial me ayudó a conocer las características de cada materia (su contenido, enfoque y evaluación) y para darme cuenta que para el segundo parcial, tengo que ponerle muchas más ganas y mejorar mi promedio.

Respecto a la frase...

Siempre tienes que estar muy despierto y al pendiente de todas las cosas que suceden a tu alrededor para saber cuando llega la oportunidad y aprovecharla al máximo.

lunes, 5 de febrero de 2007

Final Project

En esta semana numero cuatro, hemos vivido de nuevo el estrés que provocan los exámenes parciales, pero lo bueno es que tendremos tres días para “descansar” o mejor dicho para terminar con los trabajos y estudiar Calculo.

“Pregúntate si lo que estás haciendo hoy te acerca al lugar en el que quieres estar mañana”


Puse esta “frase de la semana” ya que el sábado pasado llevé a mis primitos al parque infantil y en un letrero que estaba pegado en la pared, venían muchas frases que te dejaban pensando. Así que busque en Internet y encontré el nombre del autor.
Me parece un pensamiento muy verdadero ya que muchas veces cometemos o tomamos ideas muy a la ligera y creemos que las consecuencias serán pequeñas pero no es así. Un ejemplo es buscar carrera, tienes casi toda tu preparatoria y nunca te preocupas para buscar una profesión que sea de tu agrado, pero en sexto semestre te das cuenta que el tiempo se esta acabando y tu ni siquiera has presentado el examen de admisión para esa universidad.

My team of the Final Project:

Rafael Arana Pedraza…The Math Expert
Clarissa Rodriguez D….Forensic Scientist
Maria Yvette Alapizco…The Journalist
Jorge Alberto Beltrán….The Media Expert

1. What is forensic science?
It is the science use to determine how a murder or death happened examining the death body with some technology.
Forensic scientists analyze evidence using science, math, and problem solving methods involving complex instruments and techniques.

2. What kind of evidence can be collected in a murder case?
Corporal Evidence: DNA, type of blood, fingerprints, etc.
Environment Evidence: dust, insects, etc.
Anamnestic Evidence: the clues or the testimonies.

3. Why is important to determine the time of death?
First, because we can know the hour or day that the person was killed. Second for know who the murder was through questions. Also is important because we understand many questions about the crime.

We think that the main goal of this project is to learn the application of calculus and science in the crimes. Also we think that we have to do the video in order to practice all the knowledge of these.